Hope 2 Opportunity

Our 2009-2010 Charitable Project is called: H2O Project.  This project Hope 2 Opportunity aims exactly at what the name implies; we aim to convert our hopes for these children's into opportunities for their futures.  The goals of Los Frutos del Cafe as non-profit organization are to relieve poverty, advance education, and preserve the environment.  When our charity chooses a project, we choose projects based on their potential to reach all three goals at the same time. Providing safe drinking water is one of these projects.

 Los Frutos del Café is a non-profit organization with the purpose to:

  • To relieve poverty in developing nations by providing food and other basic supplies to persons in need.   Our water project will donate water purification agents to Medical Clinics in vulnerable communities.
  • The advancement of Education by establishing a small library system with the donation of books and supplies that focus on the importance of drinking clean water.
  • Preserving the environment: the education materials and seminars on water conservation will bring home the importance of preserving the natural streams and rivers.

Our H2O project will focus on water purification and water conservation.  We will be delivering $177,000 in water purification tablets to medical clinics in mountains to help in the rainy season when there are outbreaks of diarrhea and water bourne diseases.  An additional goal of the project is to supply education materials to children in the area’s schools to teach them the importance of water conservation, water purification, and the simple steps that can be done, to consume clean water at home.  We hope to start also a small library system, by donating to schools books about water and its conservation.  
The H2O project will be started by a visit from Maria Fiallos, Chairwoman, to the communities of El Castillo, Las Sabanas, San Lucas, Somoto, El Pegador, Quebrada Honda in Nicaragua during the weeks of December 28th – January 8th.  During this visit, Maria will meet with Medical practitioners and conduct a series of interviews to determine the most vulnerable communities, collect background data and determine the destination of the water purification agents.

These interviews will determine the urban and rural population affected by water borne diseases.   Information on household water sources will be gathered as well as where do most households access their drinking water; Wells, river-stream, borehole, spring, rainwater or other.  If water is collected in wellswe will describe the well, the container, and how the water is stored.

March 11-20 2010.  A travel team consisting of volunteers will deliver the water purification agents and oversee the final destination as well begin preparations for the education component of the project aimed at schools in the community. 

At this time, a visit to the schools in the communities will take place to determine those schools that will receive the books donations for their libraries, as well as the educational materials to execute the seminar and education component of the project.  It is important to determine what schools need what, what supplies would be useful for each school, and how will those be delivered later on the year.  This is when we will have a concrete idea of the volumes of books and how many children will benefit from this. 

Our team will visit bookstores and book distributors and draw budgets for donations for each school, determine the number of children that will benefit from the donations and how the seminars on water conservation will be delivered by teachers in the schools. 
The completion of the project is scheduled for the Spring of 2010.