
Relieving, preserving, caffEinating.

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Current State of Our Charitable Projects

The past two years have presented challenges to the way we deliver our charitable projects in our coffee communities.

In April 2018, a series of protests and violence due to political unrest kept us from travelling with our usual group of volunteers in February 2019. As an organization we made the difficult decision to wait for stability before we put anyone’s life at risk. Instead donations were sent directly to our coffee communities. Never anticipating that our travel plans for Spring 2020 would also be sidelined by the global pandemic.

We are currently assessing what this new normal means for our small charitable organization. The way in which raised funds and executed our projects ( directly by volunteers) for over 20 years, has come to a standstill with Covid. As anyone else, any other organization, we are pivoting to what this means for the communities and children who have benefited from your generosity and support over the years.

Thank you.



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